Choosing a Tax Lawyer Los Angeles

A Tax Lawyer Los Angeles can help individuals, families and businesses deal with their IRS or state tax-related issues. These can include tax preparation, filing of taxes, tax appeals, audit representation and settling tax debt. They can also handle tax-related litigation, such as property taxes, executive compensation and wealth transfer matters in California. Choosing the right tax attorney can be crucial in protecting your financial interests.

When dealing with complex tax issues, it is essential to find an experienced and knowledgeable tax law firm. These attorneys have the experience and knowledge to resolve your case quickly and effectively. They can help you save money and avoid serious legal complications in the future. They can also help you navigate complicated tax laws and regulations.

Tax lawyers have extensive experience in handling complex Tax Lawyer Los Angeles issues and are licensed to practice before all federal and state courts in the country. These attorneys have the skills and expertise to represent clients in all areas of tax law, including property taxes, wealth transfer, estate planning and business formations. They can assist you in resolving your tax-related issue and guide you through the entire process.

Vic Abajian is a California-based tax attorney who has worked as a senior tax trial attorney with the IRS and now practices in private practice. He has extensive experience in a variety of complex tax matters, including IRS and FTB audits, tax disputes, unfiled returns, FBARs, and offshore bank account reporting. Abajian also handles trusts and estates.

He is a California-based tax attorney with more than 20 years of experience. He has handled a wide range of complex tax controversy and resolution matters, representing individual taxpayers before the IRS, state tax agencies and local taxing authorities. He has also handled real estate taxation matters, including conservation easement deductions and escrow issues. He has an advanced degree in taxation and is a Certified Tax Law Specialist.

A Los Angeles tax attorney can help you navigate the complexities of the tax code and protect your rights. These attorneys can help you with everything from preparing your tax return to filing for bankruptcy. They can also help you with other issues, such as the filing of tax liens or resolving collection due process hearings.

Michele Leichtman Weiss is a partner at Holtz, Slavett & Drabkin. She has extensive experience in both civil and criminal tax controversy matters and represents clients in IRS audits, appeals, collections, and litigation. She is a tax specialist who can handle both income and excise tax matters. She can also advise you on matters such as foreign disclosures, employment taxation, research and development credits, sales tax matters, and property tax appeals.

A Los Angeles tax lawyer can be an invaluable asset for small businesses. A dual-licensed tax attorney and CPA can provide valuable assistance for all your tax-related needs, from managing an audit to arranging for tax relief solutions. A qualified tax lawyer can also help you make the most of a voluntary disclosure scheme, which is a great way to settle back taxes.

Semper Tax Relief
131 W Green St Suite B,
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 263-2100