Finding the Best Camping Games For Kids

Any experienced parent realizes the importance to make sure a successful camping trip is a success with a well thought out game plan. Even bonus points when your game plan includes games! That is when this article to the 20 best camping games for kids gets into play. Some of these old time camping favorites are certainly classic, while others may be brand new to you.

One game that will bring any camping family together is the Charades. It can easily be set up as a game of luck at your campsite or by creating a game board at home. Take the time to gather all the items needed to play the charades. Charades are fairly easy and quick to put together, but you will want to keep several playing pieces from earlier camping trips and possibly from extra food or treats you may have stashed away. The objective is to see who can correctly answer a series of questions within a certain amount of time.

A fun little camping game to try out would be the Amazon Goal Hacky Sack. If you have never heard of this game, it is a simple version of hide and seek, but instead of trying to find the object hidden in a stuffed animal, you will be trying to uncover the object hidden in the very stuffing of the animal. This is quite a basic game, but it will get you thinking outside the box a bit and may even spark some creativity. If you do not own an Amazon Kindle, this is one game you definitely will want to check out.

Kids love to hear about water bottles and how to use them, so why not add a little campfire storytelling game into the mix? What kid doesn’t know a story about a boy discovering a bottle of water and saving his family from a flood? Now, instead of just hearing about the water bottles, play a version where kids toss a water bottle toward the fire as they tell their story. It is a very simple, yet fun twist on what could easily be dry camping tales.

Another fun game for camping with younger children is the bean bag toss. Similar to the water bottle game, this one asks that you fill the bean bag toss up with beans before beginning the game. Again, it is quite simple, but it can add some much needed energy to a camping trip. You will also find that the bean bag toss is becoming quite popular among older campers as well. If you are looking for a game that is a little different from your standard camping game, look no further than the bean bag toss. Even if you are not looking for a competition, it can still provide hours of entertainment.

Finally, if you are looking for something a little more extreme, you might want to consider the newest addition to the camping scene-the video game. While video games have traditionally focused on being entertaining, rather than real, there is a new generation of technologically enhanced consoles that allow parents to provide their children with some great in-person outdoor activities. One parent shared with us that she purchased a Wii after her son convinced her to give it a try after realizing that it offered some unique and fun gaming options. Now, rather than just watching your child play video games, you can actually participate in some of his favorite outdoor activities with him!