Understanding Alberta’s Land Title Documentation Process

Whether you own a house, condo or acreage in Alberta, land title documentation is one of the most important things to understand as a property owner. A land title lays out detailed information about the ownership of a piece of real estate, including registered interests like debts or liens on a property. This can impact your decision to buy, sell or change the ownership of your property. Talking with a qualified Edmonton real estate lawyer is the best way to learn about your land title, and ensure that any transactions are registered properly.

The Land Titles Act outlines the land title system in Alberta. The system is based on the Torrens system, which gives the Government custody of the original titles and guarantees accuracy. The Land Titles Office houses all records for all registered land ownership in the province. Land Titles offices also issue new land titles and cancel existing ones.

Land titles can include a variety of rights, ranging from surface rights, which are the right to occupy and use the land, to mineral rights that are the right to mine inorganic substances from the land. A land title can also be divided into several parcels, such as a residential subdivision, commercial subdivision and an industrial subdivision. Land titles can also include a condominium, which means that each unit within the structure is owned by its individual owners.

A title search is a way to find out the current owner Calgary registry services of a piece of property, as well as any outstanding registered interests, such as mortgages, caveats or builders’ liens. You can do a title search by legal description, land identification number code (LINC), or title number.

Most of the time, any changes to a land title are done through a deed. A deed is a legally binding document that confirms the transfer of ownership from one party to another. This is done by a lawyer, who will then file the deed with the Land Titles office. This is an essential step, as it ensures that the new party has clear title to the property and cannot be sued by a previous owner.

A Land Titles office can also register survey plans, which help to define boundaries for the piece of land that you own. These are often used when you want to subdivide your land or build a house or other structure on it. However, you should note that a survey plan does not affect the ownership of mines or minerals.

Most of the time, you can order a copy of a land title through SPIN2 or at a registry agent. Some historical searches are also available through SPIN2. The search results will tell you all about the registered interests in a specific piece of land. They can also be used to determine if someone has a lien on their land, as well as how to contact the person responsible for the lien.