What Does a Web Designer Do?

A website is a key component to having an online presence, and the quality of a site can significantly impact its performance and visibility. The world of web design is constantly evolving, and a web designer can play an important role in creating the structure and visuals that make up a website. Web designers are responsible for the overall layout of a website, including colors, fonts, graphics and user interface. They may work in-house, where they have a single employer, or as freelancers.

A web design webdesignokc.net professional must be familiar with a variety of technical tools and techniques to produce effective designs. They must also be able to communicate effectively with clients to understand their needs and goals for the project. In addition, web designers should be able to meet deadlines and provide ongoing support and maintenance for sites they have created.

As a result of the growing importance of a well-designed website, job opportunities in this field have increased steadily over the past few years. The median annual salary for a web designer is $64,209, and the average bonus and profit-sharing pay can be even higher.

Color Scheme

Color is one of the most important aspects of any design, and it’s no different for web design. The colors you choose will set the tone for your website and can affect how visitors perceive your brand. A web designer can create a color palette that speaks to your target audience while staying within your brand’s guidelines.


Typography is the arrangement and appearance of written text on a page, and it’s another vital part of web design. Web designers can use typography to emphasize certain elements of a page, add visual interest to a page’s content or make it easier for visitors to read.

White Space

In art and design, any area that’s void of visual elements is called white space. This might seem like an odd thing to consider when designing a website, but it’s important to create an intentional balance of white space on each page to prevent overwhelming and confusing visitors. It’s also a great way to add depth and highlight key elements of a page.


Navigation is a crucial aspect of any website, and it’s essential to have a clear and easy-to-read menu system that links all pages on your website together. A web designer can incorporate a simple dropdown menu, sidebar menu or other navigational options to help your visitors find what they’re looking for quickly and efficiently.


As more and more people access the internet using mobile devices, it’s become increasingly important to ensure that your website is accessible to all users. This means making sure that your site is compatible with smartphones and tablets, ensuring that it loads and functions properly on both desktop and mobile devices. Web designers are responsible for ensuring that all elements of their websites work well on all devices, and they should always keep up-to-date with the latest trends in web accessibility to ensure that they’re creating the best possible experience for their visitors.